Production database

Downloading production database dump

This will download a copy of the production database, excluding the versions and watched_productions table, as they are quite big.

pg_dump --no-owner --no-privileges \
    --exclude-table-data versions --exclude-table-data watched_productions \
    --host \
    --format custom --dbname mc_video --username postgres > latest.dump

Importing the database dump locally

This will restore the previously downloaded dump in your local database.

pg_restore \
    --no-privileges --no-owner \
    --host localhost --username [your local postgresql username]
    --dbname makers_development latest.dump

Syncing to preview

This first command does a 'delete' and 'create' of the database, which allows connections to remain active:

psql \
    --command "DROP SCHEMA public CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA public;"

This second command imports the dump into preview:

pg_restore \
    --no-privileges --no-owner \
    --host \
    --dbname test_mc_video --username postgres \
Last Updated: 11/4/2019, 9:31:33 AM