Wall Quick Start

Assuming that you already have added an organisation, you also need content in your VMS to get your Wall working.

Setting up a wall

  1. Go to the VMS
  2. In the dropdown on the right choose the Organisation you want a Wall for
  3. Create a Playlist Collection
  4. Select this Playlist Collection at the WallConfiguration Playlist Collection dropdown
  5. Create a Playlist
  6. Add Playlist to a Playlist Collection
  7. Create a Production
  8. Add Production to a Playlist

Setting up a wall, quick and dirty edition

Only use this method locally or for preview (a content manager will use this on production if both organisations give permission).

These steps are made for testing and setting up a Wall locally and/or for a preview environment. This is a method which allows you to show content on your Wall when there's no original content by using content shared with you by other organisations.

A safe example is MyChannels.com, so let's use that.

  1. Go to the VMS
  2. In the dropdown on the right choose MyChannels as Organisation
  3. Go to Playlists and choose a Playlist, preferable with a lot of Productions
  4. Click the Manage Access button on the right
  5. From the dropdown select the Organisation you want a Wall for and click Add
  6. Go to Channels and make sure you choose some Channels which are used in the Playlist you chose in step 3
  7. At the Channel edit page click the Manage Access button on the right
  8. From the dropdown select the Organisation you want a Wall for and click Add
  9. You can now proceed with the regular "Setting up a wall" steps from above. Make sure at step 6 of that list, you select the Playlist that you chose in step 3 of this list.
Last Updated: 2/28/2019, 3:32:34 PM