Add new organisation (brand) Wall
Ask Videotheek to add the new organisation
- Go to Persgroep IT Slack
- Go to the #de-videotheek-room
- Aks the following: "Hello #de-videotheek-room can you add {brand} as a new organisation in your videomanager? Thanks!"
- Add and configure Organisation in VMS
- Switch to that Organisation in VMS and add and configure a Wall Configuration (make sure its theme stylesheet is selected for all our environments)
- On a rails console (
heroku run rails console -a mychannels-vms-production
) create an ApiUser with the just created organisation id:ApiUser.create!(name: "<brand_name>", email: "<brand_name>", password: "<randomly_generated_password", organisation_id: <organisation_id>)
(optional) VaaS Repo: Add theme stylesheet and Phoenix layout template
- Add folder with the theme name to
and add the needed stylesheet files - Configure the main stylesheet in
(example:'themes/hln/style': './themes/hln/index.scss'
) - Add the theoplayer import for the embeds to
(example:@import 'themes/hln/theoplayer';
) - Create a layout in
(example name and extension:hln.html.eex
) - Fill the layout with the original page DOM except for the main content
- In the layout file add the following (replace
for your theme name)
In the header (above the </head>
<%= tag :link, rel: "stylesheet", href: Routes.static_url(@conn, "/themes/theoplayer/ui.css") %>
<%= tag :link, rel: "stylesheet", href: Routes.static_url(@conn, "/themes/hln/style.css") %>
In the main content:
<div class="video-wall">
<%= StitchHelpers.mc_root(assigns, @wall_configuration) do %>
<%= render(@view_module, @view_template, assigns)%>
<% end %>
Below the footer:
<%= content_tag :script, [], src: "//", async: "async" %>
<%= content_tag :script, [], src: Routes.static_url(@conn, "/js/app.js"), async: "async" %>