Add new organisation (brand) Wall

Ask Videotheek to add the new organisation

  1. Go to Persgroep IT Slack
  2. Go to the #de-videotheek-room
  3. Aks the following: "Hello #de-videotheek-room can you add {brand} as a new organisation in your videomanager? Thanks!"


  1. Add and configure Organisation in VMS
  2. Switch to that Organisation in VMS and add and configure a Wall Configuration (make sure its theme stylesheet is selected for all our environments)
  3. On a rails console (heroku run rails console -a mychannels-vms-production) create an ApiUser with the just created organisation id: ApiUser.create!(name: "<brand_name>", email: "<brand_name>", password: "<randomly_generated_password", organisation_id: <organisation_id>)

(optional) VaaS Repo: Add theme stylesheet and Phoenix layout template

  1. Add folder with the theme name to apps/vaas_web/assets/themes and add the needed stylesheet files
  2. Configure the main stylesheet in apps/vaas_web/assets/scripts/node-sass.js (example: 'themes/hln/style': './themes/hln/index.scss')
  3. Add the theoplayer import for the embeds to apps/vaas_web/assets/embeds/production/index.scss (example: @import 'themes/hln/theoplayer';)
  4. Create a layout in apps/vaas_web/lib/vaas_web/templates/layout (example name and extension: hln.html.eex)
  5. Fill the layout with the original page DOM except for the main content
  6. In the layout file add the following (replace hln for your theme name)

In the header (above the </head>):

  <%= tag :link, rel: "stylesheet", href: Routes.static_url(@conn, "/themes/theoplayer/ui.css") %>
  <%= tag :link, rel: "stylesheet", href: Routes.static_url(@conn, "/themes/hln/style.css") %>

In the main content:

  <div class="video-wall">
      <%= StitchHelpers.mc_root(assigns, @wall_configuration) do %>
          <%= render(@view_module, @view_template, assigns)%>
      <% end %>

Below the footer:

  <%= content_tag :script, [], src: "//", async: "async" %>
  <%= content_tag :script, [], src: Routes.static_url(@conn, "/js/app.js"), async: "async" %>
Last Updated: 8/25/2020, 9:25:16 AM