The technical platform consists of a few major services which all share a PostgreSQL database. All services are hosted on Heroku, while using some external services like Imgix for image hosting and AWS for video uploads.
We used to use Cloudflare for caching and functioning as nameservers, but have moved to Akamai for caching since. Due to legacy, we still use Cloudflare as our nameservers though.
The VMS, which stands for Video Management System, is a Ruby on Rails app. Editors/Journalists use the VMS to upload videos, add (meta) information, create playlists and configure their widgets/playlists/walls. All database migrations are also written and maintained in this app, due to legacy reasons.
The VaaS, which stands for Video as a Service, is an Elixir umbrella app. Apart from our main application, the actual VaaS (videowall), it consists of several other apps like embeds, the APIv2, etc.
Reference stitcher
The reference stitcher is a Node.js application which we use to create a proxy and imitate the so-called stitched flow between publishers and the VaaS service. This is a great way for testing/developing the flow where users that can log in and bookmark/follow shows.