Smart playlists

Smart playlists are a - if not the - cornerstone of the GMS, they do all sorts of cool things in combination with the nightly jobs. Like:

  • Automatically adding available games/puzzles/quizzes to given smart playlist with the matching criteria. And maintaining the insertion order specified on the smart playlist.
  • Automatically truncating games/puzzles/quizzes from a given smart playlist that matches the truncation criteria.

Matching criteria

When making a smart playlist you can select a type and/or one or multiple genre(s) which will be used as matching criteria to fill the given playlist. E.g:

Action Options
Add all games to this playlist. type: mixed, genres: [empty]
Add only games to this playlist. type: game, genres: [empty]
Add only puzzles to this playlist. type: puzzle, genres: [empty]
Add only quizzes to this playlist type: quiz, genres: [empty]
Add only adventure games to this playlist type: game, genres: [Game - Adventure]

The genres can be ordered manually by dragging and dropping in the gms. With this the insertion order is created, and will be used to determine how to insert the games in the AddAvailableGamesToPlaylistsJob.

You can also manually add games/puzzles/quizzes to this playlist with the "Add Game" button.

Besides the smart playlist + automatic jobs you can also create a normal playlist that won't be updated automatically, see the playlist menu in the GMS.

Truncation criteria

With truncation criteria you can determine when to automatically remove games after x days / weeks or months from the date that the entries were added to the smart playlist.

Last Updated: 4/30/2020, 4:29:12 PM