GameBlueprints & PuzzleBlueprints
Games and puzzles are created based on blueprints. Blueprints are not tied to organisations, however you can enable a blueprint for a given organisation by adding them to the target organisations
list in the *_blueprint form.
Games are created only once, per set target_organisation and won't be duplicated. An organisation has the option to overwrite the given game_data within their own organisation. However when the need arise for an admin to update specific information regarding the generated games the game_blueprint can be updated, and the update can be enforced to all games (also overwritten games by an organisation) by using the update_all_instances
PuzzleBlueprints have many similaries with the GameBlueprints but differs on some key components:
- There are multiple puzzles generated from a given puzzle_blueprint for a given (target) organisation.
- The generated puzzles are created from a starting date until the given 'generate until' date pair is reached,
is derived/set from this sequence. - The generated puzzles all have
they differ because most of the puzzels are generated based on aseed
Generating games
When you are done creating the *_blueprints and when you have set one or more target organisations you are ready to generate the games/puzzles from the given blueprint(s). You can find the 'generate games' of 'generate puzzles' buttons on the index page. Games and puzzles are not duplicated, however when the range of said puzzle blueprint has changed for example from 1 week(s) to 1 month(s) it will create puzzles for the difference in the date range.